Saturday was craft Day. Only a few could make it, Which kinda makes it fun cause there's way less craziness and more visiting. We put together the budget binders. They are super fun and easy and well worth the budgeting work!!
Sunday was spent watching Conference...... It was great, Between sessions we made it out to get our much updated family pictures!! They turned out great!! I've been so busy editing other peoples picture's i have not got to all of ours but we got some goodies!! Here are some of them

That's as far as i've got with the family ones!
Monday Mom , Ali and the kiddies went to Reddeer/Edmonton for a couple day's and Dad came over and stayed with us. We made Mexican Monday and invited Angie and Nate over. Or We finally took the hint and made Mexican for Angie and Nate. It was really good.
Thursday was Brad's Birthday!!! The big #32!! We got to go out since Chandler was there to Babysit. We were going to go to the keg, and a movie but ended up forgetting to send craft stuff into work with Brad and we had to go over to the West side to drop it off..... Which means....We opped for Taco Bell instead of the Keg. I know you all think it's a major Down grade from The Keg..... oh not for my Brad! I think that made his night that we got to go to the Bell! We went and saw "the debt" it was a great Movie. We came home to a full house. The boy's all slept over and Missy and Ryan and the kids made it down. They stayed with us all weekend. (well except missy) We had a great time. I took the girls out Sunday afternoon and did some quick photo's Mostly for Scoutties sake (she was abut 8 months when I did her pictures last, and i was the last to do them) She is so sweet and growing so big.
The kid's get along so well, It was fun to have them here! Sunday we all got up and made it to mom's church then had leftovers and visited till Missy and Ryan left.

Then today we worked and worked and worked (doing crafts) till lunch, Then we went over and ate Turkey again at Scott and Falene's house. Mmmm I'm officially turkeyied out!
And finally My Thanksgiving Thankful List
I'm thankful mostly for my little family, Brad Mostly and the kid's come next. We are so lucky to have them and I'm so lucky to remember how lucky i am!!
I'm also so thankful for My Mom and Dad, They are awesome with the kid's. I can always count of them to take the kiddies for a sleepover or a morning over at Grandma's. It's pretty much a miracle if at least one of the kid's don't end up there every day.
I'm Grateful for Brad's parents. I'm grateful that Falene takes the time to teach Paris Piano, Cause heaven knows it take a special someone to teach her!! (she's very Chatty )
Mostly I'm thankful for Brad, He is amazing. He has no idea how much we need him and we could not survive without him!! He's amazing!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!