Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Am so "Small Town"

I admit it, I'm very "small town". After growing up in a small town and swearing i would never move back here, I am, and i do see how great some things really are. OK don't get me wrong there is a lot of crappy things that come from small town but right know I see tonnes of good in it.

So here goes...... What i like about being "Small Town"

Friday was a big day in our town..........

The Trading Company was bought by a couple from BC who moved here. Anyway They shut it down the first of September so it could be redone. Ok first of all I did not shop tonnes up there but boy i missed it, just for milk and bread sometimes and it was just convenient. So Friday was the big re opening! Mom popped by about 9:30 and said if your anybody your up at the new "Roosters". She had been up already and said there were people taking pictures and she said the Bank closed down and all the bank ladies marched a bouquet of flowers over and checked out the new store. So of course not wanting to miss anything, i got dress and Piled the boy's into the truck and up we went to check it out.

Mom was totally right! there was barley a parking spot to be had uptown. We had to park way across the street at the post office. So we pushed the cross walk button (only because it was so busy up town we did not want to get run over by super excited on lookers). So into the store we went. Know you've got to know that going uptown for a quick jug of milk could take up to a half hour cause there is always someone to visit with. But today was a exception There was most of the town up there walking through all the aisle you could just feel the excitement in the air. People visiting back and forth how great it looked and how many choices of frozen vege's there are, and what a great location for the milk product, and how great it was to have a butcher back.

We spent almost a hour up town visiting and exploring! So in all my excitement i went home and called Brad at work and announced my excitement and started rattling off the layout and new prices and all the sale stuff they had, And Brad patiently listened for a bit then finally interrupted me and said Kade i really don't care. So i guess I'm the small town one, Brad will not go up there with me to check it out he refuses to go until he need something. And I say forget that i went up for a second time Friday and got grocery that i just did not need, just out or pure excitement.

It's incredible Friday and Saturday was just buzzing uptown and then this is what main street looks like on a Sunday. Hardley a car to be seen.

That's why i love a small town!

These other pictures are for the far away Wolsey Family
Mmmmmmm Sunday Supreme!!
So sad you all missed it!


  1. Roosters Country Marketplace?!?!? first Winks, now this? oh, how things have changed! i'm sure it's for the best. can't wait to see the changes! haha. also.... i can't believe you're rubbing 'sunday supreme' in our faces! jealous!

  2. I'm so excited to see the changes! I'm coming out to Magrath today, perhaps I'll have tos top by.

  3. hey kd, thanks for the photos of dinner, makes us miss you all! call me the next time you have something exciting to tell, i'll be more interested than brad!

  4. That would be big news. Has Grandpa been down to check it out? :) I'm so a small town long as I live RIGHT next to a big town. I'm afraid I'll never be able to convince Greg to adopt country livin' though. He is a city boy through and through.

  5. Of course Grandpa came to check it out! On fridaythe day it opened and guess what he checked out first..... the price of angel food cake mix. hahaha

  6. seriously loved this post. I am so the same way when things change...though Gary isn't always as paitent with me when i tell him about it. LOL
