Since getting back from Disneyland a couple week's ago, we've packed up our house and moved across town to another house. It was a quick deal, which actually is not even finished yet. We are still working on our mortgage, After having such a crappy time with our bank, they ended up taking $9000 penalty pay out instead of the $2400 which is what we were expecting. So we ended up paying out to sell the house which sucks but it's sold and we are now in a bigger home it's just taking us a bit longer to get everything together for the next mortgage. Long story short it's been a long 2 weeks.
Blaze took the stress in stride, One day i walked into the bathroom after he had been in there for a half hour and found this.....
Knox on the other hand, dug right in and helped me out with the packing a moving (that was typed with a whole lot of sarcasm)
I'm not sure why the boy's like the flour as much as they do but flash back to a year ago when the exact same thing happened, except we were not trying to pack up our house, clean and move. Timing is everything.
These are the only 2 pictures of actually moving and they are at our new house.
Grandma and Grandpa came over Sunday, and Blaze thought potato head lips'were hilarious to kiss with.
Blaze also thought it was a good idea to try his hand at cutting his hair, Can we say Vanilla Ice, Except Vanilla's was done by a expert hand while Blaze was done by a 3 year old hand, We thought it would be cool to give him steps and then keep going with the design on the top. But i'm pretty sure that wont happen.
So as of now we are painting the kid's bedrooms down stairs. We'll see how they turn out, they picked pretty cool colors.
So glad you're back! I've missed your posts. Love the hair and the flour! Can't wait to see the new pad!