Thursday, January 21, 2010

My 10 Hour projects

So I'm the Beehive advisor, and the Young women got a revamped Personal Progress program. The leaders are encouraged to do it if they would like, so i decided to do it. So for my first 10 hour project i got the Little boy's memorie book's done as well as a memorie book i did of the Wolsey reunion (which i gave to Scott and Falene for Christmas).
I did these all at It's a super site and you can get tonnes of stuff for free but shipping is kinda expensive so i only order when i've got alot to order so it's a bit cheaper. but for example the books are 9.99 but shipping is another $10 per book. But still a super good deal I think , they have tonnes of different themes for books.

So for my second one I'm compiling a Hough Family cook book! Yep that's right. I think it will take more then 10 hours but I'm excited to do it. I found a company that publishes them and it's only like $7 per book.

So I'm super into the personalizing stuff off the computer that's way easier then scrapbooking kind of stuff. So Noelle did these Calenders that are so fun! I was so excited to get ours!


  1. really cute KD, love the book, i need to sit and do something like that! i'm looking forward to my calendar as well.
