Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Canning Again.....

So we were not going to can this year..... But I caved with the smell of ripe peaches... I just got 2 cases this year.  The boy's and i woke up Monday morning and we were ready to get to work.

Knox's job was to hand me the peaches to blanch.  He did a very good job.  Blazes Job every year is to peal the peaches... he is so good at it.  So i keep letting him do it.  We were doing really good till i started helping peel.  The peaches were so stringy and soft and yucky.  At first i thought oh great i let them get to ripe.  But i was sure they were perfect.  Anyway after peeling i started cutting. and that's were i found the problem... They were rotting from the inside out!  Blahhhhhhh!


So after all the work we got a few quarts out of it... not sure they will be any good but the boy's had a great time canning!!

And on a happy note... It was Knox's first day of (early entrie) Preschool!! He's delayed in Speech... (i think he's fine) But if they are willing to take him!! i'll let him go! Photobucket Photobucket


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