The boys had a great time trying to get it to fly... Brad got mad and gave up after about 5 min. But those boys persevered.... And never did get it to fly. Haha Stupid Dollar store kites... Well those were Brads words.
They pulled out the old Golf clubs after the kite feasco... They did much better at that... They are both Future Happy Gilmores... they hold the club like there hockey stick!

Oops haha... It`s his own fault... he refuses to wear undies... Plumbers bum is bound to happen

The Big kids are slowly getting adjusted to school. It has been really hard on them. Paris Teacher is i bit of a bag... Wow that's so rude but totally true. Paris just cannot mesh with her, and that really is saying something cause Paris can mesh with most teachers. But this one kinda had it out for Paris (or the school she came from) from the start. So finally Brad went in and talked to the teacher and its pretty much a mutual ignoring... she ignores Paris and Paris keeps to herself. Which makes me sad but she will be out of that school in just over a month, and then things will be better.

Brody had a bit of a hard adjustment in his school but we have figured it out and we just need to get through the next month and next year will be better!! I know it!
But meanwhile at home its been good. We are happy up here. Glad we are close to family, and equally as happy to be able to go home (to magrath) once a month for pictures, but that gives the kids a chance to play and have fun down there!